RACHEL Modules Settings

This guide will show you how to change the admin password and upload modules from .zip files

To accomplish this task, you will need:

  • A RACHEL-Plus

  • A Device to access RACHEL (computer preferred)

  • RACHEL Admin Credentials

  • RACHEL Module .zip file

To change the admin password, follow these steps:

  1. Access the RACHEL Admin Panel to view all the Admin Duty Tabs, Make sure the “Settings” tab is selected

  1. First, enter the current admin password into the “Current Password” field

  1. Next enter the new password in both the “New Password” and “Repeat New” fields

  1. Now, if all the correct passwords are in place, plress the “Save Changes” button

  1. Access the RACHEL Admin Panel to view all the Admin Duty Tabs, Make sure the “Settings” tab is selected

  1. Select the “Choose File” button and choose the module zip file

  1. Once the file is selected, press the “Upload” button

  1. Now the file will be uploaded and added to the RACHEL server
